In Like Cyn – Season 1 Episode 22 – The Comedy Multiverse BTS

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“Hey everybody! Today’s episode takes you deep into The Comedy Multiverse and gives you a B.T.S. Behind The Scenes look at what goes on as we shoot these short comedy pieces and bring them to you each week.  Enjoy our wacky creative process.” – Cynthia Troyer.

In Like Cyn – Season 1 Episode 22

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The Comedy Multiverse

Published to YouTube May 21, 2015

The Comedy Multiverse Cynthia Troyer Erikka Innes




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In Like Cyn – Season 1 Episode 22

The Comedy Multiverse

Published to YouTube May 21, 2015

[KEY: Cyn: Cynthia Troyer; RT: Regan Talleh; BH: Buddy Hickerson; RG: Robert Gold; JL: Jason Long; NF: Nick Fascinati; GE: Geoffrey Elbaz]


Cyn:                        Hello, hello and welcome to another episode of In Like Cyn.

BH:                        Alright!

Cyn:                        Today, we’re gonna take a little trip –

TITLE: Cynthia Troyer, screenwriter

Cyn:                        – Behind The Scenes of The Comedy Multiverse. You’re going to have a bunch more of these videos coming at you. BTS


Cyn:                        Behind the Scenes. And these videos are going to take you into some of the shows that we’re doing right here on The Comedy Multiverse.

ANNOTATION:            This show is all shot on my iPhone.

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Cyn:                        And then we have a lot more ideas coming at you. There’s gonna be a lot of ideas coming at you. Um – I wanna show you something.

TITLE: The Comedy Multiverse

Cyn:                        This is the idea board. We have a lot of ideas coming at you guys. Concept. First Draft. Rewrites. Then we have down here, Table Read. Items that are ready for our Table Read. Our second board hardly has anything on it. Because we’re actually doing the Upload Prep and we’re too busy to actually put it on the board. And then down here we have another board. And this one’s got Prep, Shooting, and Editing.


Cyn:                        So sometimes things are moving quickly, they’re coming in as ideas and they don’t even get to get to the board, but a lot of times they’re getting to the board, and ah it’s a little bit of a process ’til we get them out to you.


Cyn OS:            It’s the Silver Fox.

Title: Buddy Hickerson

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BH:                        That’s true I am supposed to come back for one more grand, grand appearance. But I am deathly ill at the moment, so don’t judge me. Don’t you judge me, my friends. I should have done my hair before we did this.

RT:                        [LAUGHS] Hi!

TITLE: Regan Talleh, writer actor

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BH:                        Speaking of hair.

RT:                        Speaking of hair, I got the wig on.

BH:                        We’re not judging.

Cyn:                        She dyed her hair so she has to wear a blonde wig.

RT:                        For now, hopefully not too much longer because it’s itchy.

Cyn:                        So we’re gonna make it something funny.

RT:                        Yeah.

Cyn:                        What are we doing? Where’s Erikka?

ANNOTATION: Nick Fiaschetti – entrepreneur

NF:                        Yeah, I know, I know! Oh God.

TITLE: Robert Gold writer / actor / poet

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EI:                        I hope that you’re getting all of this banter for Behind The Scenes.


EI:                        Which way? Are you filming us?

RT:                        I think she’s filming and he’s taking pictures.

EI:                        Hey! Yeah. Wooo!

RT:                        Woo!

BH:                        Awwww.

RT:                        Cool, thanks.

EI:                        Did it work when I spit it out, or was that just dumb?

RT:                        I think it worked. But this is cold.

EI:                        Did it work when I spit it out, Cynthia? Spit out the beer.

RT:                        Ahhh.

BH:                        Are these even in focus?

RT:                        Yeah. Some of them aren’t. Oh my God Erikka come here look at this picture of us Oh My God. That’s pretty amazing!


Cyn OS:            And yet even tho I called them, they’re still laying on their asses.

JL:                        We gotta hurry, let’s go.

TITLE: Jason Long, writer / actor

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EI:                        What-ever!

JL:                        Man.

RG:                        You’re terrible, terrible.

EI:                        You’re the worst!

JL OS:                        I gotta pee.

RG:                        What a great troupe.

EI:                        Hey, it wasn’t me, you insulted me first. It was the other way around.

RG:                        Is she filming us right now.

EI:                        Yeah! You’re making me look bad.

RG:                        I’m naked, emotionally naked.


EI:                        That’s the worst – do you know what naked means?

RG:                        Yeah, yeah it’s all –

EI:                        Hey.

RG:                        She looks like such a nerd. She’s living up to all our hopes and aspirations.

Cyn OS:            Nerd Legion.

RG:                        Oh my god get that camera out of my face.


Cyn:                        So behind me is the teeming busy Santee Alley.

JL:                        You know they have some of those butt-less spandex shorts…?

Cyn:                        See we’re doing costume design work for The Comedy Multiverse.

JL:                        Yeah, yeah, except I’m not in there.


JL:                        You know for the Redneck Lovin’

EI:                        Oh you should wear those.

JL:                        I got those and a pair of cut off shirt with a hat on.

EI:                        That would be hilarious. And you don’t know until you get up and walk away. Yeah.

JL:                        Yeah.


Cyn:                        Behind me –

RG:                        Hello, hello we’re in Santiago Alley right now.


Cyn:                        Action!

EI:                        What is – are you doing in my room? Yeah, I gotta do that again. Let me do it again.

Cyn OS:            Yeah, hold it in your hand like you were. Hold it down in your hand. Action!


RT:                        I’ll just come in again.

EI:                        Well – I think I should be doing something with –

RG:                        Yeah, I have a phallic piece of fruit in my mouth. What the fuck do you wanna do about it? Huh?

EI:                        Are you eating my banana?


Cyn OS:            Action!

TITLE: Mari Silva, political activist

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RT:                        What are we doing? Where are we taking it from?

Cyn:                        We’re taking it from —


Cyn OS:            Action!

TITLE: The General, Blue Healer Puppy

JL:                        What in the world?


RT:                        The tequila got you warmed up. That’s awesome. You’re so on point right now. I’m having the issues you were having last week. I’m like – in my head.

EI:                        More tequila, man.

Cyn OS:            Erikka has a butt injury. And we are filming a scene that her butt has to do a lot of acting. And unfortunately, her butt is on the injured reserve list.


RG:                        You’re welcome.

NF:                        Hahaahaha. That was funny.

EI:                        That was really funny.

RG:                        I’m all out of spray.


Cyn OS:            Action!

EI:                        Oh wait, hold on.

RT:                        Ready?

EI:                        Yep.

RT:                        Just take a breath.

Cyn OS:            Still rolling.


TITLE: Geoffrey Elbaz, UCLA Student

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GE:                        Oh my god.

Cyn OS:            Cut.

GE:                        I’m up. I’m up! Wait, is this a practical joke or something?

Cyn OS:            That’s good, no this is really a…


EI:                        Well I’m a little bit concerned about this, I don’t know if like spraying this in your eyes is probably a good idea.

SA:                        Probably not that good.

Cyn OS:            How do we know if it’s safe?

EI:                        It’s probably not that safe.

TITLE: Sky Adams, sound engineer

SA:                        What does it say, don’t spray on that is probably something not to do.

EI:                        It says, under pressure. Spray from at least 50 meters to avoid staining.

SA:                        Oh really? Stain what exactly?

EI:                        Well…

Cyn OS:            Do not invert while spraying.

EI:                        It says the contents are harmless if injested.

Cyn OS:            And the multiverse flips upside down. It should not be inhaled or swallowed. It says they’re safe but don’t inhale them or swallow them.

SA:                        It’s safe but don’t inhale or swallow.

EI:                         It’s your clothes, maybe.

Cyn OS:            I know a lot of things that are safe, but don’t inhale or swallow.

EI:                        LAUGHS!


SA:                        Funny! That’s be funny.

EI:                        What if the hair is red – then we’re like the carpet doesn’t match the drapes. Haha like you said. And then, that’s the last line, and I try to like add silly string in your pants but we don’t show it.

SA:                        Right.


EI:                        God, such a – ahhhh!

RT OS:            What happened? Oh I thought you broke it?

EI:                        I did break it.

Cyn OS:            Equipment malfunction!

EI:                        Does this work?

Cyn OS:            When you come in can you be just a little – huh huh huh – without being too fake, just a couple…


Cyn OS:            You can see yourself.

SA:                        [LAUGHS]

EI:                        You know it’s pretty neat, we used about four cans.

SA:                        No it’s just ah – it’s fine.

SA:                        Fun.

EI:                        Haha.

SA:                        No, no that was all playing – ACTING!

Cyn:                        Tea time! Back to acting. Another Comedy Multiverse production!


RT:                        Wow.


RT:                        [CRYING]


RT:                        I turned- the first time I turned to the mirror. I don’t know why – I just- I thought it would be funny if I did that – I don’t know why it was funny – you know what I mean, it was just a choice you made in the moment and you’re like this is gonna be funny. I don’t know. But why – you know it’s weird.

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EI:                        AH!!

RT:                        AHH!!

Cyn:                        That’s three. Three. Three. Three series a week. You should be subscribing to The Comedy Multiverse. You should be subscribing. Subscribe. Go over there, go, go, subscribe!


EI:                        Why are we doing this?

RT:                        I don’t know. There’s no bad ideas in brainstorming!

EI:                        Okay.

Cyn OS:            Erikka get the hula hoop.

RT:                        Yeah, like that, that’s how I play guitar.

BH:                        Whhhhhhhhha.

RT:                        Whaa-whhaaa-whaa. Are we still recording? No it’s mine.

BH:                        Lower, lower, yeah!


Cyn OS:            Can you guys have a silly string fight right now.

EI:                        Yeah.

BH:                        Of course!

EI:                        Turn off this song and start it over.


Cyn OS:            I think we should take you outside and shoot you with the trumpet and hula hoop.

EI:                        As a political statement.

RT:                        What is that?

EI:                        I need more room to show you.

RT:                        Okay.

EI:                        Let’s go outside.


Cyn VO:            Join me every Thursday for a new In Like Cyn.


Cyn:                        Hey everybody thanks for watching the video. Subscribe. All the social media links here are down below. Click subscribe. Look for a new In Like Cyn every Thursday.




© Amish Buddha Filmworks

AMISH BUDDHA Filmworks Cynthia Troyer