In Like Cyn – Season 1 Episode 7: Comic Talk

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“This week on In Like Cyn we are in Amish Buddha Headquarters.  Robert Gold and Sage Emeralds get into an in-depth discussion about comic books and comic heroes.” – Cynthia Troyer

In Like Cyn – Season 1 Episode 7

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Comic Talk

Published to YouTube February 3, 2015

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In Like Cyn – Season 1 Episode 7

Comic Talk!

Published on YouTube February 3, 2015

[Cyn: Cynthia Troyer; SE: Sage Emeralds; RG: Robert Gold]

Cyn:                        Welcome to another issue of In Like Cyn! Today we’re talking about Comic Books!

TITLE:            Comic Books!

TITLE:            Comic Talk!

RG:                        Oh damn!

Cyn:                        This is a little slice of my real life.

TITLE:            Amish Buddha Headquarters

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Cyn:                        My friends drop by and we end up in Philosophical conversations about everything under the sun.

ANNOTATION:            Directing, editing and staring in these episodes has pushed my limits… I am learning how to “look” at the camera properly…! excuse my cross eyes… I had no good footage of myself… it was all about capturing my friends.

ANNOTATION:            My cat – Spirit

TITLE:            Sage Emeralds

SE:                        Yeah. Bruce Wayne.


TITLE:            Ironman!

RG:                        He’s like – He’s a military – well he’s so pro military, you know what I mean. That was – that whole comic came out during the Vietnam era where people were like Fuck The Government.

TITLE:            Robert Gold – actor, writer, poet

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RG:                        Is it – are – is it the – is it humans or is it the media that screams at you through television. Is it like – is – is our violent and sexual thoughts being perpetuated into the media or are – is the dark and sexual thoughts from the media being perpetuated onto the people.


SE:            Gotham City. Everybody is poor as fuck. They’re broke.

TITLE:            Batman!

SE:            Okay. Meanwhile you’ve got some billionaire and he doesn’t do shit for the people. And it’s probably – it’s the reason why they’re all poor. They’re walking through an alleyway where people are impoverished and shit.

RG:                        Yeah.

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SE:                        And they’ve got pearls and thousand dollar suits on.

RG:                        Are you about to explain why Batman’s parents deserved to get murdered?

SE:                        Fuck yeah, they deserved to get murdered. They didn’t go out there – they went out there to watch a movie.

RG:                        Have you already read The Communist Manifesto? (laughs)


SE:                        In the Comic Book, I mean, technically period Bane is not a – ah – person who’s compassionated about humans.

TITLE:            Bane!

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SE:                        Once you’ve got fucking – whatever it is he’s got shooting through him – I’m pretty sure he doesn’t feel like a human anymore. And I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have compassion for another human. Cause he’s got super – the super stuff –

RG:                        You could almost call them steroids.

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SE:                        Yeah, he’s on steroids. He’s not even a person. He doesn’t even count. He’s not speaking on behalf of you because he doesn’t have shit in common with you like that. His brain doesn’t even work as a human brain would work, you know.

RG:                        You’re getting into the – that reminds me like of the Adamantium –

TITLE:            Wolverine!

RG:                        – and like Wolverine. So he’s not human enough for you either? He’s like – he doesn’t care about people. Do you get what I’m saying?

SE:                        What person does Wolverine care about? When has Wolverine ever saved a life in his life.

RG:                        (laughs) Ah…

SE:                        When does he fight for the people? Never.

RG:                        Yeah.

SE:                        He is a government agent!


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RG:                        All these super heroes are like government propaganda for the most part.

SE:                        It’s deeper than that. It’s actually spiritual propaganda.

ANNOTATION:            Spiritual propaganda!?

SE:                        It’s actually attacking you as a spirit. But we can start –

RG:                        I mean they can’t – the chance of good and evil.

SE:                        No. This whole – as far as comic books are concerned – this whole thing – is getting you to idolize non-humans. And to want to be a non-human.

ANNOTATION:            This show is all shot on my iPhone!

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SE:                        And to want to have super powers and to think that the person who created you didn’t do a good enough job. That he should have gave you some claws or stupid shit so you could fly or some dumb shit like that. And hold up – I don’t want to bring in the Bible here. But I am.

RG:                        You can bring in – everything pertains back to the Bible, man.

SE:                        Okay basically like this. Angels came down here had sex with humans had children. Those children were giants. Those children were – super men! Are you with me?

RG:                        I’m with you so far.

SE:                        Okay. Their children were super men. They had – they were – they’re giants. They can do shit we can’t do. They got powers.


RG:                        Like what, like Goliath? Like –

SE:                        Goliath. Sampson. You had the guy with six fingers in the Bible. You know he was a big giant. All the giants.

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ANNOTATION: The Nephilim /ˈnɛfɨˌlɪm/ (Hebrew: נפילים‎) were offspring of the “sons of God” and the “daughters of men” before the Deluge according to Genesis 6:4; the name is also used in reference to giants who inhabited Canaan at the time of the Israelite conquest of Canaan according to Numbers 13:33.

SE:                        The Nephilim. All of that. Okay, these are all super people. Super duper people.


RG:                        They have that in other religions, like there’s all the Titans in Greek mythology.

ANNOTATION: In Classical Greek mythology, the Titans (Greek: Τιτάν Tītán; plural: Τιτᾶνες Tītânes) and Titanesses (Greek: Τιτάνης Tītánis; plural: Τιτᾶνίδες Titânídes) were members of the second order of divine beings, descending from the primordial deities and preceding the Olympian deities.

SE:                        No the Titans are a totally different thing. They’re not human. These people are.

RG:                        Okay.

SE:                        They’re half human. These are the children of angels and humans.

RG:                        What about Demigods? That’s a good example. Those guys…

ANNOTATION:             A demigod (or demi-god) is a divine or supernatural being in classical mythology. The term has been used in various ways at different times and can refer to a figure who has attained divine status after death, a minor deity, or a mortal who is the offspring of a god and a human.

RG:                        They’re like gods that came down and mated with people.

SE:                        No I’m talking about half human –

RG:                        Okay, we’re back to Christianity.

SE:                        No, no, no. I’m talking about Nephilim. I’m not talking about angels and gods and just totally different beings all together. I’m talking about half man, half robot. Half man, half animal. Half man, half this. Okay. That whole shit is all this, okay. That’s what this is all about – it’s about making you want to be half this and half that.

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ANNOTATION:            my instagram> @Cynthiatroyer

ANNOTATION:            my website>

ANNOTATION:            my twitter> @Cynthiatroyer

ANNOTATION:            my facebook> /troyerthewriter#

SE:                        If there were giants you would say oh that’s my hero. Instead of we need to kill this motherfucker right now and put a rock through his head. Because this is an abomination to the earth. But instead of saying that. So they’re basically preparing you for some shit.


SE:                        He’s doing shit and he knows that. He’s the Punisher. He says it in all the time.

RG:                        Dude, what about like Spiderman movies where you get to see him like saving people from like buildings.

ANNOTATION:            Spiderman

RG:                        And people are like falling and like he comes and he saves, the day, you know what I mean? I mean those are the regular every day people. That’s why in the movie everyone’s clapping whenever Spiderman comes swinging, right? Because he’s – right?

SE:                        That’s wack as fuck, because it’s basically programming your mind –

ANNOTATION:            Yes, he said “Wack as fuck!”

SE:                        – to saying I can’t – you know – we can’t help each other. We need someone with super powers to think for us and save us. We can’t save each other. And that’s what these people want you to do. Like there are real people that are not human and they want you to think that way. To think that you need them.

RG:                        Well that sounds like something Cynthia would say like they’re preparing us for the non-humans to come around. And they’re gonna make their move on us –

SE:                        That’s what I’m trying to tell you, yeah. That’s who’s writing this shit. No that, this is the move. This is what they’re doing, they’re preparing you so that it’s not a big deal.



Cyn:                        Hey everybody! Thanks for watching the video! Subscribe! All the social media links that are here are down below. Click subscribe! Look for a new In Like Cyn every Thursday.




© Amish Buddha Filmworks

AMISH BUDDHA Filmworks Cynthia Troyer