In Like Cyn – Season 1 Episode 10: Lake Shrine

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“Hey Everybody! It’s Thursday – and time for another In Like Cyn. Jason Long and I had a great time visiting the Lake Shrine established by Paramhasam Yogananda and getting existential. My friends and I are all extremely happy to finally capture the essence of Jason Long and his religious discussions. He is so much fun to be around because of how he understands many things on very deep levels.” – Cynthia Troyer

In Like Cyn – Season 1 Episode 10

In Like Cyn Cynthia Troyer YouTube Amish Buddha

Lake Shrine

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with Jason Long

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Published to YouTube February 19, 2015 

Me & Ghandi on this beautiful summer-like day

A photo posted by Cynthia Troyer (@cynthiatroyer) on





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In Like Cyn – Season 1 Episode 10

Lake Shrine

Published to YouTube February 19, 2015

[KEY: Cyn: Cynthia Troyer; JL: Jason Long]

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Cyn:                  Hello, hello and welcome to another episode of In Like Cyn. And today it’s a beautiful sunny day and we are at the Lake Shrine.

TITLE:         Lake Shrine

Cyn:                  Today I have a co-star it’s Jason Long

TITLE:         Jason Long

JL:                  Hello.

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Cyn:                  We are here to see Gandhi’s ashes. When Gandhi died he was cremated and his body was split into five pieces – four of those places are located in India, and 1 place is here in Los Angeles. So we’re going to go see 1/5 of Gandhi.

Cyn VO:         It was a sunny Sunday morning and we took a ride down Sunset to where it meets the ocean at PCH. The colorful history of the Lake Shrine began almost a century ago in the early 1920’s the then famous Inceville Motion Picture Studio filmed silent movies on this site in the Santa Ynes canyon. The land was later purchased by Los Angeles real estate magnet Alphonzo E. Bell Sr. And in 1927 the surrounding hillsides were hydraulically graded to fill the canyon and make it level for future development. However, these earth moving activities were halted prematurely leaving a large basin —

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TITLE: 17190 Sunset, Pacific Palisades

Cyn VO:         – that had not yet been leveled. This basin quickly filled with water from the many springs in the area creating Lake SantaYnez. The only natural spring fed lake within the city limits of Los Angeles.

JL:                  Cynthia invited me today to kind of express the greater truth of what’s going on here in this world. Hopefully today by the end of this I’ll show you that – you know – there’s not a bunch of people walking around but there’s only one being here in multiple forms and — our job is to come to understand that and then live from that – that perspective.

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Cyn VO:         We headed down the pathway that led around the lake. The Self Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine was dedicated by Parmahasam Yogananda in 1950. Many thousands of visitors come each year to enjoy the scenic beauty and the serenity of this spiritual sanctuary. The 10 acres site with its gardens and natural spring fed lake is home to a variety of flora and fauna.

TITLE: Be the change you want to see in the world. – Gandhi.

Cyn VO:         Including swans, ducks, coy, and turtles. As well as trees and flowers from all around the world. Paramhasam Yogananda, a Bengali Indian –

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TITLE: Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. – Gandhi.

Cyn VO:         – was born in 1893. Yogi and guru, who introduced millions of westerners to the teachings of meditation and kriya yoga through his book Autobiography of a Yogi.

Cyn OS:                  As you can see a windmill. The windmill was built in the 1920’s –

Cyn:                           And this whole thing was once a movie set.

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Cyn VO:                  We continued on the path to the Ghandi memorial. Known as the Mahatma Gandhi World Peace Memorial an outdoor shrine where an authentic one thousand year old Chinese stone sarcophagus holds a portion of the ashes of Mahatma Gandhi himself. Like the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi was assassinated. Five previous attempts had been made on his life. He was gunned down while still a vibrant man, making a real difference in the world.

TITLE:         Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. – Ghandi

Cyn VO:                  We sat down to contemplate things spiritually like Jason and I always do.

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JL:                  What does it mean to be self realized? There have been throughout history – perhaps thousands – who knows – ah beings who come here to the place we call the universe to become self realized. Becoming self realized is – you know – it’s getting rid of all the garbage so to speak. And it was a teacher who said that just ask who am I over and over and over. And this process can look like many different things. Am I my wife? Or my husband? Am I my car? Am I the money in my pocket? Am I the friends that I have? Then you can go further and say – am I the thoughts that I have? Am I the feelings that I have? Am I the body that I’m in? Um –

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Cyn:                  We’re actually none of those things.

JL:                  That’s what –

Cyn:                  But it’s how we identify ourselves as separate. So that we can figure out who we are. But it’s not really who we are.

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JL:                  That process of burning away what we are not some would say – ah – the tour giver here at the place was talking about letting the mud settle within ourselves. And when all thoughts and emotions fall away and we just see the world without labeling it, without believing anything about it, just seeing it as it is. We realize that we are consciousness. That we are awareness. And words don’t really describe the experience that we’re trying to have with respective to – you know – seeing the world as it is without the filter of the mind. Without the filter of emotions.

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JL:          You know, this is not a heartless endeavor, it takes a lot of heart to get there. But what is left is the true self. But the true self could be explained in many ways. Um, Alan Watts said that ah – You are the universe perceiving itself. Being able to sit and just be the conscious awareness that you are. I am a focal point of the universe through which the universe perceives itself. A lot of the problems with modern day ah – what we call saints or sages and prophets or gurus is that their only job is to point you back to your true nature. What often times happens – and this has been said many times – but they’re just the finger pointing to the moon. But we think that we somehow lack something, so we go and we look at the finger instead of looking where the finger is pointing.

Cyn:                  Exactly.

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JL:                  You know, everybody’s the guru, everybody’s the Buddha, everybody’s the Christ. The hope is that you have that moment where everything within falls away through me, because ultimately in the human framework or the egoic framework there isn’t – like – we search for meaning. There is no meaning. There is no purpose. Other than to be. Does what I am go away? No. Because I am you. I am the trees, I am the planets, I am the stars, I’m the water in the lake behind us. I’m the air that we breathe. That’s what I am. That’s what we all are. Metamorphosis of the Butterfly. You know the caterpillar comes into the world, experiences the world, um – and that’s what we are as humans, we’re the caterpillar and our job is to become the butterfly. The cocoon process is really neat, because what happens is when the caterpillar goes into the cocoon it turns into this black mush. Everything that it was before that point it has dissolved into a black mush or nothing.

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Cyn:                  It is the only animal on the planet that changes its DNA.

JL:                  Yeah – and then it reforms into this entirely new being. Growing and learning are never over once you become the butterfly you still have to learn how to fly and how to move through the world.

Cyn:                  Or how to land on that pretty flower if that’s what you want to do.

JL:                  Yeah.

Cyn:                  There’s no right or wrong about it. You know.

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JL:                  No, there’s no right or wrong anyway. You know. And there are no failures. Everything is perfect. It always has been. You know. The judging, the way of right and wrong, good and bad, that’s the initial – that’s the fall from grace. That’s the original sin. What if one of the planets just decided to start saying oh well I don’t like my orbit. You know, or that sun’s too bright. Or – you know – and that’s what we do as human beings. Judge everything, and we weigh it as good or bad and that in itself is what causes us not to see the perfection that is. The drop – let’s say a wave hits the shore and the drops splash out of the – the ocean for a minute. Those drops are there for just a second and then they go back into the ocean. You know, what I am – Consciousness, awareness, always is… it’s everything. This form is the drop. And it – the beauty of it is is that the drop is never separate from the whole. The drop is never separate from the whole.

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Cyn VO:         So do yourself a favor and take a drive to where Sunset meets PCH and check out this little magical area all for yourself. You won’t be sorry. Be sure to visit the gift shop where you can pick up a copy of Autobiography of a Yogi. You can also peruse the museum and see some real articles from Paramhasam Yogananda life.


Cyn VO:         Join me every Thursday for a new In Like Cyn.


Cyn:                  Hey everybody. Thanks for watching the video. Subscribe! All the social media links here are down below. Click Subscribe! Look for a new In Like Cyn every Thursday.


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AMISH BUDDHA Filmworks Cynthia Troyer